[Boost.Graph] Double sided edge properties in undirected graph

What is the easiest (is there any) way to associate an edge property with both edge ends in an undirected graph in the BGL? I would like to iterate over the incident edges of a vertex, and obtain the edge property for that side of the edge the vertex is on. Ie. for A (5) <--E--> (1) B when iterating the incident edges of A, a request for this edge's (E) property would return 5, and when iterating vertex B's incident edge (E) it would return 1. For a directed graph this is simple: just store a "source" property and a "target" property in each edge. However in the case of an undirected graph the source vertex of an edge will always be the one you're iterating over incident edges from. So this wouldn't work, as it always return the "source" property then, no matter if I'm at A or B. A solution that came to mind is to convert the undirected graph into a directed graph with double edges everywhere. Then I can simply iterate over the out_edges and obtain the right property. However, this seems to be tedious and possibly a waste of space as I'm reinventing undirected graphs manually. Plus I have to rewrite edge removal etc. to keep things consistent. I'm aware that this is how BGL works internally anyhow for undirected graphs, so I don't want to reinvent it. Another "solution" is to store an associated vertex with the properties for the edge, giving two (vertex, value) pairs per edge. First of all this wastes space, and secondly it proves difficult to typedef this property inside the graph type as it is a cyclic dependency. External property maps could do the trick, but the space issue is still unresolved. (I'm primarily speaking of adjacency_lists in this post) A different issue: isn't BGLs genericity an illusion? Compared to for example the illusion of container independence in the STL? So far I've always needed to know what containers are used for the graph in order to make assumptions about iterator validity. For any algorithm using removal or addition a list is basically required, with all the added problems of the vertex indices not being ints... Is BGL still being actively developed? Can I expect positive changes in this area in the future? I really like the concept (no pun) of the BGL, but it's difficult to use at the moment imho. -- Regards, Ferdi Smit (M.Sc.) Email: Ferdi.Smit@cwi.nl Room: C0.07 Phone: 4229 INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
participants (1)
Ferdi Smit