[graph] boost::adj_list_edge_property_map

I encounter some problems when porting an application using boost from
Windows to Linux.
I work with Ubuntu,
I use codeblocks as a compiling environment.
The boost library I use is boost_1_38 containing
I believe the boost library is compatible with Windows and Linux.
The compiler reports the following errror:
erreur: conversion from

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010, Christine SINOQUET wrote:
I encounter some problems when porting an application using boost from Windows to Linux.
I work with Ubuntu, I use codeblocks as a compiling environment. The boost library I use is boost_1_38 containing boost_1_38/boost/property_map.hpp boost_1_38/boost/config.hpp boost_1_38/boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp boost_1_38/boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp.
I believe the boost library is compatible with Windows and Linux.
What compilers are you using on the two platforms? Are you using GCC on both? That will probably determine what the issue is. The part of BGL that you're getting an error from should not have any platform dependencies but does depend on a standards-compliant compiler. -- Jeremiah Willcock
participants (2)
Christine SINOQUET
Jeremiah Willcock