boost 1.55 build / install on OSX - why are aliases used instead of symlinks?

I recently installed and built boost 1.55 on an OSX machine of mine. With my current make system for my app (qmake) I needed to specify where the lib and include directories for boost were and thought the best thing to do would be to set them to \usr\local\lib \usr\local\include where I can see in the lib case there are links to the various library modules and in the include case there is a link to the boost include directories. The problem is that the boost installation makes these links using aliases instead of symlinks, so everything appears fine browsing in the Finder, but at the command line, the compiler can't see these directories. I'm able to change the aliases to symlinks, or point to the actual boost directories (e.g. \usr\local\Cellar\boost\1.55.0_1\*) and everything works, but it seems like the intention was to have symlinks at \usr\local\lib and \usr\local\include so that one can just point to these places and be version agnostic? Thanks, Colby
participants (1)
Colby Boles