Boost::Serialization Compile error and my temporary solution,

Dear Robert Ramey,
I'm SO sorry to bother you again!
When I compile Boost::Serialization(version 1.32.0) using msvc71+stlport4.6.2,
I fond compile error in the file "xml_escape.hpp" line 47.
I followed the way compile shown , and find the cause is in file
"xml_woarchive_impl.ipp" line 108 .
I think it is more reasonable to alter the function like this :
template<class Archive>
void xml_woarchive_impl<Archive>::save(const std::wstring & ws){
typedef iterators::xml_escapestd::wstring::const_iterator xmbtows;
// This is changed by zhengyi !! otherwise ,using stlport can not
// compile successfully
xmbtows(BOOST_MAKE_PFTO_WRAPPER(ws.end()/* + ws.size()*/)),

I have made the following change in my test copy
typedef iterators::xml_escape
The original code of yours can pass when using ms-stl , but will fail with stlport.
Can you explain that ?
I test with stl_port 4.53 I don't know what the differences are.
Do you think the modified code is right ?
basically yes, it also eliminates a wcslen which is a good thing.
How Can I build successfully without alter your code(I like stlport and do not want to define macro BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING to avoid compile error ) ?
Just change your personal copy. Any changes made now won't appear in the official boost library until version 1.33 Robert Ramey
participants (2)
Robert Ramey