From the documentation:
"If the conversion is unsuccessful, a bad_lexical_cast exception is
thrown. "
"Exception used to indicate runtime lexical_cast failure. "
So the question is when will the conversion fail? Unit tests check for
the cases between [min(), max()], but what about under/overflows (>max,
using std::string;
using std::numeric_limits;
using boost::lexical_cast;
string s;
// warning: needs to be a part of a unit test
//#define min max
#define T short
// add a digit!
s = lexical_cast(numeric_limits<T>::min()) + "0";
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(lexical_cast<T>(s), boost::exception); // throws
s = lexical_cast(numeric_limits<T>::min()) + "5";
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(lexical_cast<T>(s), boost::exception); // throws
#define T boost::int64_t
s = lexical_cast(numeric_limits<T>::min()) + "0";
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(lexical_cast<T>(s), boost::exception); // NO throw!!!
s = lexical_cast(numeric_limits<T>::min()) + "5";
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(lexical_cast<T>(s), boost::exception); // throws
The behavior is really weird.
The docs don't mention what should happen.
If I use max instead of min every test throws.
Is there something in boost that can convert a *whole* string to it's
integer representation and throw on under/overflows and errors?
-- Hrvoje Prgeša