I am using Boost 1.58.0. After I downloaded it, I did a full default build with build_type=complete. So, Boost Test was built without any special command line arguments. The minimal tests I have so far work. I have defined BOOST_TEST_ALTERNATIVE_INIT_API http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/test/doc/html/utf/compilation.html... in my main program, so my initialization function (currently empty) is bool init_function(). However, I noticed something in the documentation that said if you do define BOOST_TEST_ALTERNATIVE_INIT_API http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/test/doc/html/utf/compilation.html... in your main(), you also have to define it when you build the library. But my test code seems to be working without the special build. Does 1.58.0, perhaps, not need the command line definition. Or, am I kidding myself that everything is all right, and the Roadrunner is going to drop an anvil on my head at a later date? Merrill Cornish

Merrill Cornish
Does 1.58.0, perhaps, not need the command line definition. Or, am I kidding myself that everything is all right, and the Roadrunner is going to drop an anvil on my head at a later date? Merrill Cornish
It's a bit of a long story. You can read on this in a new documentation. Hopefully it explains it better than old one. You can see new docs here: http://raffienficiaud.github.io/test/ Gennadiy
participants (2)
Gennadiy Rozental
Merrill Cornish