Icompatibility between MS cl preprocessor and boost macro constructs

Hi, the header files boost/iterator_adaptors.hpp and boost/regex/v3/instances.hpp contain macro constructs that are icompatible with the Microsoft compiler cl when using them in a source file, preprocessing the source to a another source file and afterwards compiling the preprocessed source file. For iterator_adaptors.hpp, cl version 13.00 is affected, for instances.hpp cl 13.00 and 13.10. The problem can be reproduced by compiling the following simple source file (test.cpp) in the base boost directory (boost-1.30.2): #include "boost/iterator_adaptors.hpp" #include "boost/regex.hpp" int main(void) { return 0; } The commandline to preprocess the file is: cl /TP /GX /EHsc /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /c /I. /P test.cpp The commandline to compile the previously preprocessed file is: cl /TP /GX /EHsc /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /c /I. test.i Note that when directly compiling the same test program using the following commandline the problem disappears: cl /TP /GX /EHsc /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /c /I. test.cpp One might expect that the last command line should produce the same result as the first two, but unfortunately this is not the case. I have attached a patch file that solves the icompatibility with the preprocessor by incorporating the following changes: - In instances.hpp the patch adds single spaces between the BOOST_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR and the end of some template declarations. - In iterator_adaptors.hpp the conditional BOOST_WORKAROUND macros are refactored from inside the template declarations of indirect_iterator_generator and indirect_iterator_pair_generator to the front of them by duplicating the template struct definitions minus the BOOST_WORKAROUND code in the else branch of the conditional macro. In case you wonder why we need to preprocess the source file into a seperate file before compiling it: This is required to use distcc (http://distcc.samba.org) with Microsofts cl. Is there a chance this patch gets accepted for the next boost version? Michael --- michael doppler ----------------------------------- developer icoserve it gmbh innrain 98, 6020 innsbruck tel: +43 - 512 - 567622 - 250 fax: +43 - 512 - 567622 - 111 web: www.icoserve.com email: m.doppler@icoserve.com ---------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
John Maddock