Building regex - VC6 SP5 + stlport

Hey all,
In the past I've had no problems building with this combo, but
recently did a system reinstall and got the latest versions and am
having trouble. Using:
- Boost 1.27.0
- VC6 with SP5
- STLport 4.5.3
STLport is in the INCLUDE and LIB variables as instructed and to
complie I just type nmake vc6-stlport.mak from libs\regex\build.
After a lot of sutff compling fine I get the below error... I was
actually able to fix it by adding in some ifdefs in regex.hpp, but
that caused some other problems - clearly I'm doing something wrong.
Any ideas?
Many thanks.
cl /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /EHa /Zi /Od /I..\..\..\ /DWIN32 /D_MT /D_DE
/D_MBCS /D_LIB /YX /FD /GZ /c -Fpvc6-stlport/vc6-stlport-
re300dm.pch -Fo./vc6-stlport/vc6-stlport-re300dm/ -Fdvc6-stlport/vc6-
00dm.pdb ../src/cregex.cpp
..\..\..\boost/regex.hpp(402) : error
C2011: 'regex_iterator_traits ' : 'struct' type redefinition
..\..\..\boost/regex.hpp(407) : error
C2011: 'regex_iterator_traits

STLport is in the INCLUDE and LIB variables as instructed and to complie I just type nmake vc6-stlport.mak from libs\regex\build. After a lot of sutff compling fine I get the below error... I was actually able to fix it by adding in some ifdefs in regex.hpp, but that caused some other problems - clearly I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas?
None, I've never seen anything quite like that, OK I admit that I haven't tried STLport 4.53 yet, but I don't think that should be an issue. What happens if you build the source from the IDE? John Maddock
participants (2)
John Maddock