Re: [Boost-users] iterator_facade Boost 1.57

On Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:07:09 +0000 (UTC) gast128 wrote:
Dear all,
Just trying out 1.57, since we are already 5 releases behind due to all kinds of compilation errors with Boost and our software. Below simplified code doesn't compile on vs2010:
template <typename DerivedType> struct IteratorFacade : public boost::iterator_facade
{ typedef boost::iterator_facade base; IteratorFacade (); virtual ~IteratorFacade ();
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
reference dereference () const; };
struct MyIteratorFacade : IteratorFacade<MyIteratorFacade> { };
What do I wrong?
I'm gcc 4.9.1 on Ubuntu 14.04.
The reason this doesn't compile is that the "reference" typedef is
contained in the glue class boost::iterator_facade, which is a base
class of IteratorFacade<MyIteratorFacade>. When you write "reference"
inside the later, the name is not being looked up in the base class.
So you should write:
typename base::reference dereference() const;
If you want to use "reference" in many places in IteratorFacade<>,
pull the typedef from its base with:
typedef typename base::reference reference;
or, if using C++11:
using typename base::reference;
Note: whether you pull it up or not, you can always get the typedef as
IteratorFacade<...>::reference, or MyIteratorFacade::reference in your
case. (See the example below, where I'm not pulling it up, but I
can still find it.)
I would also add the observation that your construct creates an unusual
derivation. Usually, the iterator class you want to define has
boost::iterator_facade as its direct base. In your case,
boost::iterator_facade is the base of the base of your iterator class
(so, 2 levels down):
: IteratorFacade<MyIteratorFacade>
: boost::iterator_facade
participants (1)
Matei David