On 03/01/2024 19:55, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
On 1/3/24 8:37 AM, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost wrote:
For now, I have upgraded my Fedora, redownloaded the Boost repo, and lo, my documentation builds! I guess I will never know what that was.
Regards, &rzej;
FWIW - here is the shell script I use to build the HTML documentation for the safe numerics library.
There is a similar one to build PDF documentation.
Basically, it transforms the DocBook XML into the specified targets. I don't use quickbook so I didn't need to include this is the script. I'm sure it could easily be added though.
I did require download a couple of tools: xstltproc, ?.dtd, etc. But once that was done, things run pretty smoothly with not opaque magic.
Keep it simple stupid - that's my motto.
Good shout: Boost.Math has a Makefile which does he same and includes the quickbook step, plus optional PDF output: https://github.com/boostorg/math/blob/develop/doc/win32_nmake.mak Note that quickbook itself outputs Docbook directly, the BoostBook->Docbook step that Boost.Build puts in there is actually redundant (though mostly harmless). John.