On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 14:17, degski
I did, and I've use this project-config:
import option ; using clang-win : : "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\bin\\clang-cl.exe" -fuse-ld=lld : <compatibility>vc14 <compileflags>-fmsc-version=1915 <compileflags>-fms-compatibility <compileflags>-fno-delayed-template-parsing <compileflags>-flto=thin <cxxflags>"/std:c++17"
Somebody asked about this, I believe Robert, so yes, compiles fine, even with C++17 [serialization and wserialization]. <cxxflags>"/Zc:forScope"
<cxxflags>"/arch:AVX2" <cxxflags>"/Zc:wchar_t" <cxxflags>"/EHsc"
By default, /EHs is used and passed in it seems [so the above duplicates this option, differently]. /EHs is not the default [/EHsc is] and in the IDE, it [/EHs] is marked "Yes with Extern C functions". I don't know what exactly this entails, but "Yes with Extern C functions" does not exactly strike me as the thing I want [but who knows, maybe I do]. <cxxflags>"/Zc:inline"
<cxxflags>"/Gd" <cxxflags>"/diagnostics:classic" <cxxflags>-Wno-unknown-argument <cxxflags>-Wno-unknown-pragmas <cxxflags>-Wno-macro-redefined <cxxflags>-Wno-unused-variable <cxxflags>-Wno-mismatched-tags <cxxflags>-Wno-deprecated-declarations <cxxflags>-D_UNICODE <cxxflags>-DUNICODE <cxxflags>-DBOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H <cxxflags>-DBOOST_NO_ANSI_APIS <cxxflags>-DBOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION=0x1000 <cxxflags>-DBOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H=1 <cxxflags>-DNOMINMAX <cxxflags>-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN <cxxflags>-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS ;
degski -- *“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop" - Herbert Stein*