31 Mar
31 Mar
11:12 a.m.
On 31 March 2014 11:35, Bjorn Reese
If I look at the develop branch of Boost.Iostreams then GitHub says that "This branch is 253 commits ahead and 91 commits behind master".
It's not that bad. It's only the Stephen Kelly changes that haven't been merged. We need to decide what to do with them. It appears that Boost.Iostreams has not established a merge point
between master and develop as described in:
An appropriate merge base would be dd73949749da272867bef1c5bcb5d2925601c020, apart for a file permission difference, it's identical to the previous commit on origin/master. I'll do that tonight if no one objects - it's a good idea to do this whatever we do with the changes in develop.