On 28 May 2013 12:37, Hardy
On 2013/5/28 3:12, Boris Schaeling wrote:
Google just announced the seven proposals which were accepted for Boost. The (entire) list can be found here: <http://www.google-melange.**com/gsoc/projects/list/google/**gsoc2013http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/projects/list/google/gsoc2013
Congratulations to the successful students! Good luck and much fun in this summer's Boost C++ projects! :)
For those students who were not selected: Feel free to contact me for the details! We actually asked Google for more than seven slots because we got more than seven amazing proposals. Unfortunately the number of slots is just limited. And so we had to make some tough decisions. :/
I also thank everyone who had volunteered to mentor a project! I know that not everyone could get the project they wanted. But maybe there is still enough motivation to move forward with some projects outside of the Google Summer of Code program. :)
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I was so happy to receive the mail saying my proposal had been accepted. During the time waiting for the result, I learned much about C++, STL and Boost. Now that I've known who is my mentor(Darren Garvey), how should I contact with him? Should I just discuss in the mailing list or discuss with him more privately? Thanks very much!
Well done! There was such a good set of proposals this year that a small amount of luck was required to get a place on top of a great proposal. Hopefully we get a few more slots to play with next year. I really hope the lack of a slot doesn't discourage anyone from going any further with their proposals. Hardy, you have a few interested mentors this year actually! I'll send you an email privately to introduce us and we can get ourselves ready for the summer. Cheers, Darren