Andrey Semashev-2 wrote
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Vicente J. Botet Escriba <
boost::synchronized_value (not released yet [1][2][3]) is based on [4]. See below part of this paper adapted to the Boost.Thread interface.
Currently boost::synchronized_value is in addition Copyable and Swappable. I was wondering if it is worth adding value and move semantics to synchronized_value. Making it EqualityComparable, LessThanComparable and Movable if the underlying type satisfy these requirements will allow to store them on a Boost.Container/C++11 container.
Do you see something completely wrong with this addition? Has some of you had a need for this? Could you share the context?
Sorry, I missed this discussion somehow. I've taken a quick look at the interface and have a few questions:
1. Why are there strict_lock_ptr and unique_lock_ptr?
These a locking pointers that lock at construction and unlock at destruction. Both classes have pointer semantics.
What are the differences
strict_lock_ptr cannot be unlocked (something like lock_guard) and unique_lock_ptr is a model of Lockable so it provides the lock/unlock functions as unique_lock.
and why we can't have one such ptr (presumably, unique_lock_ptr)?
Sorry I don't understand.
2. I find value() and get() a bit confusing, since it is not apparent what is the difference between them. Maybe value() could be renamed to get_ref() or unsafe_get()?
You are right the names are not clear. get() is a explicit conversion. value() return a const reference.
3. Am I correct that having strict_lock_ptr/unique_lock_ptr acquired by calling synchronize() will not deadlock with operator-> when a non-recursive mutex is used?
To which operator-> are you referring to? the one from strict_lock_ptr/unique_lock_ptr? synchronize() is used to lock at block scope. The user must use the obtained locking pointer to access to the functions of the synchronized value using the operator->. I'm not sure to understand what could be the issue. best, Vicente -- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/thread-synchronized-value-value-and-move-... Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.