AMDG On 04/13/2013 08:16 AM, Christian Henning wrote:
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Steven Watanabe
wrote: According to the output the error happens at line 409. I added some debug code:
sys.stdout.write( "CHH: " + str( cmd ) + "\n") sys.stdout.write( "CHH: " + chdir + "\n") sys.stdout.write( "CHH: " + str( universal_newlines ) + "\n")
and the output is: c:\boost\tools\build\v2\test>python CHH: ['c:\\boost\\tools\\build\\v2\\test\\..\\engine\\bin.ntx86\\bjam', '-sBOOST _BUILD_PATH="c:\\boost\\tools\\build\\v2\\test/.."', '-d0', '--quiet', '-ftest.j am', '--test-config="c:\\boost\\tools\\build\\v2\\test\\test-config.jam"', '--ig nore-toolset-requirements'] CHH: c:\users\chhenn~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpnz6dv4 CHH: True
Does that look reasonable?
The command looks okay. The only thing I can think of is that Python doesn't like the short path for chdir. What happens if you change the argument of Popen to cwd=os.path.realpath(chdir)? In Christ, Steven Watanabe