On 31 January 2014 18:05, John Maddock
However, now that you've jogged my memory(!), I see there are some docbook xsl params for setting the document type and adding:
xsl:paramchunker.output.doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
To the build options produces output which looks OK locally, and as it's HTML it doesn't need to be served as xml either, so I think that's problem solved!
That's what I was doing on the 'new-style' branch. The problem is that the rendering changes a little in standards mode. One problem is that margins are different in tables, to fix that I added to the CSS: table th > *:first-child, table td > *:first-child { margin-top: 0; } table th > *:last-child, table td > *:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } Which seems to work okay. I was also trying to convert it to use more consistent units for fonts.
PS You could use the above mechanism to get a HTML 5 doctype - however it's unlikely that boostbook actually generates valid HTML?
I think it does, but even in not, it's close enough. We could use the alternative HTML5 doctype: <!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "about:legacy-compat"> But I don't know if browsers respect it. The 4.01 doctype should be fine.