On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Ryan Burn
- add rvalue-reference overloads to the error_info class (
https://github.com/boostorg/exception/blob/develop/include/boost/exception/d... ) and elsewhere so that you can do things like
throw my_error() << my_info(std::move(a))
Yes I'd welcome such change.
- replace occurrences of "throw()" with a macro (something like BOOST_NO_THROW_SPECIFICATION) that expands to "throw()" if compiling with c++98 and "noexcept" if compiling >= c++11
This one requires a lot more care. The only reason why the current definition uses throw() is to avoid compile errors from broken compilers. What is the motivation for this change request? I personally don't use throw() or noexcept in my exception types and I've never had any issues with that. -- Emil Dotchevski Reverge Studios, Inc. http://www.revergestudios.com/reblog/index.php?n=ReCode