On 21/11/2016 07:14, Seth wrote:
On 20-11-16 17:52, Bjorn Reese wrote:
If you support asio::async_result, then you get all sorts of integration, including with coroutines and fibers, for free.
I'm very curious about this, because I'm currently designing a good async framework for our backend software. Me too I've been trying to get the most flexible implementation with the least amount of code.
Is there a pointer to a bit of documentation that shows how `async_result` gets coroutine support "for free" - or perhaps an existing example if the docs don't exist?
+1. I tried this once in the past (with an earlier version of Boost) but documentation on how to create from-scratch async operations was very poor. It also required way too much boilerplate, from what I could see. (And relies on using detail classes, which is usually a no-no for external code.) I haven't really been following the standards track but I'm hopeful that the network/async/whatever TS ends up better documented. :)