Hi community, I'm Jiawei Jiang, a graduate from Uchicago. I'm trying to find a mentor for GSoC(uBLAS, precanned project2). Here's the rough idea of my proposal: I divide the project to 3 parts. First, completion of class structure. As a extension of n-d array structure, basic lookup and modification functions(size, resize, insert, etc.), operator overloadings(+, *, ==...) and iterator interfaces must be implemented. Second, specialization for special tensors. Take 2-order tensors, matrix as an example. Many useful algorithms are implemented specifically to sparse matrix. So it's even worthy to change storing structures for sparse matrix to fit in those operation and algorithms. Similiar cases occur in high-order tensors. Last part is algorithms. Though after completion of iterator inferfaces, we can already call a lot of stl/boost algorithms, some specializations can be a choice. For examle, if we want to calculate the sum of values in n-order tensors, we need call "accumulate" for n times(well, maybe not a big codeload using generic lambdas but still a repetitive work, right?) And of course, other particular algorithms for high-order tensors is a work to complete, such as lowing/rasing index for tensors. My programming competency test: *https://github.com/awesomejiang/matrix https://github.com/awesomejiang/matrix* I shared my proposal draft in GSoC website and post a message in boost-uBLAS yesterday and got no response, is it too late to find mentors now? Or someone still has interest in mentoring me? Glad to hear any feedbacks!:) Best regards, Jiawei Jiang