7 May
7 May
12:15 p.m.
On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 4:49 AM Niall Douglas wrote:
On 07/05/2020 03:07, Chris Glover wrote:
I presume I am using the API correctly, but if not I'm happy to try something else.
For reference, here are some rough timings from my test: boost::recursive_directory_iterator: ~30seconds. FindNextFile: ~13seconds llfio: ~980 seconds
I would be extremely surprised with these numbers. It surely must be the case that you calling the APIs wrong somehow.
Can you send me, off list, an example of the code you are doing so I can check it?
If you don't mind, please paste the program to gist.github.com or paste.ubuntu.com . Others might be willing to test it on different implementations. Glen