In boost.process, is there a portable way to: - Kill another process based on the pid ? - Get the parent process id ? - Get the list of subprocesses ? Maybe the whole subprocesses tree ? - Be notified when a subprocess crashes ? - Get the current process user id or user name ? It should not be very difficult to implement because several of these features are already available in some portable Python modules (psutil for example). Thanks Le 11/09/2016 22:11, Klemens Morgenstern a écrit :
Boost.Process 0.6, as can be found here (https://github.com/klemens-morgenstern/boost-process) will be in review from October 27 to November 5. The review manager will be Antony Polukhin.
Doc (http://klemens-morgenstern.github.io/process/)
I really hope this library gets through the review, since boost (or C++ for that matter) really needs a process library. I would be really happy, if some of you could take the time to look into it - if you find any major issues, they might be addressed, before the actualy review. That would then increase the probability of the library getting accepted.