On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 8:30 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
* Boost sources would provide a compatible, drop-in replacement for the 'FindBoost' module that is distributed with CMake. A CMake-based application could point to it and, instead of using the system Boost libraries, Boost targets would be built from source as part of the user build.
Instead of nasty cmake 2 era FindBoost(), why can't end users use the modern cmake 3 pattern:
``` find_package(boost COMPONENTS asio REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(myprogram PRIVATE boost::asio) ```
No cmake innovation needed to do this. This is 100% vanilla cmake 3.
Thanks for pointing this out. This is exactly what I had in mind.
BTW David if you do decide to go down this route, you and the Steering Committee should seriously consider contracting Stephen Kelly to advise on doing this properly. He's the primary architect of cmake 3's improvements. He knows more about how to do this right than *anybody* on this list.
Thanks for the suggestion.