On Friday, November 27, 2020, Antony Polukhin wrote:.
== Action points 0) Discuss 1) Bury the idea, wait for a few years, goto 0); or make a boost17 repo with the same layout as the existing one, but without submodules 2) start the migration
One thing you could try, without requiring that the rest of us do anything, is drop C++03 support from your Boost libraries and use only C++17 standard library types on interfaces in a future Boost release and evaluate the effect. (If existing Boost libraries depend on yours and the authors still want to maintain compatibility, maybe they will reimplement that themselves. Or not). Another thing you could try is creating this new collection of libraries yourself. You might not get to call it Boost, but you can grab all the Boost libraries you want, strip them of C++03 support, make them use C++17 features, and ship this collection and evaluate how popular it is. Either option will get you (and the rest of us) some data that could motivate Boost's future. Otherwise do the homework and read every single other thread like this in the Boost archive to see why people are against it, or not motivated by it, or why it will be at stage (0) forever unless you're willing to take action yourself. Glen