Thanks for the comments! Vicente:
Concerning the project proposal, I would like to see the following points more elaborated:
I've updated the goals accordingly. I couldn't figure out what do you mean by configuring thread pools. I would like to use boost::threads executors. (The user might use something else with the same interface)
Concerning the millstones, I would prefer a week based schedule and that as far as possible each iteration includes something adding value with the code the tests and the documentation.
I broke it down to weeks, it's much clearer now. Niall:
Do run it through a spell checker as there are quite a few typos. I forgot about this, thanks for pointing it out.
I'll be watching with close interest as you're basically implementing a batch-capable superset of what I proposed as a monadic continuations framework for AFIO. If you do well, I may even just adapt your work into AFIO actually, it would save me a ton of work, so I'm definitely hoping you get funding! Let's have a quick chat about it upon funding!
Thanks, Benedek