On 15 Apr 2015 at 15:40, Rob Stewart wrote:
I'm finding Chris' paper on resumable expressions instead of compiler magic created resumable functions awfully compelling:
I essentially proposed the same with my functionally composed constexpr basic_future design some months ago.
Would anyone else like to comment on this library based instead of compiler based resumable execution?
This is off-topic for this list.
With respect to you as list moderator, I disagree. An already conditionally accepted library, Fiber, is fundamentally affected by what WG21 are up to here. An existing Boost library, ASIO, is fundamentally affected, hence its maintainer leading out the opposition to present developments. The Thread v5 rewrite is fundamentally affected, and shortly so will be AFIO which fair enough, is not a Boost library. Most WG21 papers aren't as important to Boost libraries, and hence I would ordinarily agree such discussion is off topic. The feedback already received here about resumable functions I have already found valuable - I hope so have many other library developers here. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/