On 03/09/14 16:02, Larry Evans wrote:
On 03/09/14 11:43, Larry Evans wrote:
On 03/08/14 10:58, Louis Dionne wrote: [snip] Regards,
Louis Dionne
Do you have the results of the benchmark:
I tried using the cmake, but got a diagnostic about missing doc directory:
[snip] I had tried the .zip download; however, after doing `git clone`, I had the doc directory: ~/prog_dev/boost/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_54_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/libs/composite_storage/sandbox/cjgillot $ git clone https://github.com/ldionne/mpl11.git Cloning into 'mpl11'... remote: Reusing existing pack: 15887, done. remote: Total 15887 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Receiving objects: 100% (15887/15887), 4.21 MiB | 372 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (12502/12502), done. ~/prog_dev/boost/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_54_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/libs/composite_storage/sandbox/cjgillot $ ls download.log download.log~ mpl11 rtti-master-zip rtti-master.zip ~/prog_dev/boost/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_54_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/libs/composite_storage/sandbox/cjgillot $ ls mpl11/doc CMakeLists.txt Doxyfile.in gh-pages ~/prog_dev/boost/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_54_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/libs/composite_storage/sandbox/cjgillot $ So, maybe tell people to use clone instead of downloading: https://codeload.github.com/cjgillot/rtti/zip/master as I had done at first. -regards, Larry