On 23 January 2014 11:50, Vladimir Prus
Sorry for being vague above. They are run on master branch of the super project, which points to master branch of regex, which is that old. I am unsure what's the value of testing master branch of superproject at this point. It's too early.
It's a mistake since it's part of the develop report, I don't know if it's a problem in the regression scripts, or user error.
2) How did you figure that out?
If I run the git ls-tree command above on my working system I get a "not a valid object name" error, plus not everyone has a Unix command line to hand...
Did you do "git fetch" in the superproject? As for Unix command line, the approach that Michael used will work as well - look at the tree at github and it should have subproject references, like so:
- Go to https://github.com/boostorg/boost/commit/3d21a16db5ada89d4c5875074a87ba81239... - Click 'browse code' - Go to 'libs' and record the short id of regex. - Manually paste that id into URL, like so: https://github.com/boostorg/regex/commit/a3075dd
Yes, it's ugly roundabout way.
There's another thread about improving the information in the report, which could include a link to github. But apparently I have to implement it, which might not happen soon. I could possibly improve the commit messages. An easy change would be to include the submodule's branch (not the super-project's since commits can appear on multiple branches), I might try doing that tonight.