On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Michael Caisse via Boost
The formal review of Vinnie Falco’s Beast library will take place from July 1 through July 10, 2017.
(snip) I recommend to ACCEPT Beast into Boost.
- What is your evaluation of the design?
I quite like it. I appreciate the limited, low-level scope. The "design choices" page is convincing to me, although I am relatively unfamiliar with the domain.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
It's large, so I randomly poked around the code for about an hour. I have no issues to raise, although I found it interesting that Beast implements SHA1 on its own, and also contains a complete header-only port of zlib.
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
I'm highly impressed. The documenation is excellent.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
Very useful. I'm excited about Beast, and I think its acceptance would add significant value to Boost.
- Did you try to use the library? With which compiler(s)? Did you have any problems?
I did not try to use the library.
- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study?
One hour reading docs and one hour reading code.
- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
No. I rarely write code that deals with HTTP directly, and I've never used ASIO. Thanks, Barrett