23 May
23 May
8:11 p.m.
On 5/23/22 22:14, Andrzej Krzemienski wrote:
pon., 23 maj 2022 o 00:30 Andrey Semashev via Boost > > Are you using the latest built QuickBook > executable?
How can I check my version of QuickBook?
quickbook --version But if you need to ask, it is probably better to just build it from sources.
Also, make sure you don't have some stale content in bin.v2. Your log doesn't indicate that QuickBook was run, probably because the BoostBook document was already there.
I now removed everything from folder bin.v2 before running `b2 doc`. I still get the same result. Maybe there is a way to see intermediate results, such as the generated BoostBook format?
The intermediate results can be found in bin.v2/libs/optional.