On 5/10/17 2:46 PM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote: algorithms.cpp
algorithms.cpp(12): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/poly_collection/algorithm.hpp': No such file or directory
1) Clone beneath the 'your_boost_tree_root/libs' directory 2) run 'b2 headers' from 'your_boost_tree_root' after you clone
Did I mention I am using Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows?
Full disclosure, I have had this problem twice before when trying to review libraries. In the past I have simply given up. But I want to contribute something back since my own library will be reviewed soon.
This is a common situation. The boost directory structure doesn't play nice with new libraries which are not already part of boost. When I put the safe numerics library into the incubator, I used path names for includes so that one would not have to do the above procedure for the new library. This permitted one to build and run the tests and examples, but of course created consternation of another sort. Robert Ramey