I have just updated my boost trunk and rebuild bjam and the boost libs in Debug configuration. I can see there is static library called libz.lib in my stage folder. Is there any way we could name it something like zlib-vc100-mt-gd-1_2_5.lib? This way I can understand which one is Debug and Release, etc.
Use <tag> (Documented here:
http://www.boost.org/boost-build2/doc/html/bbv2/overview/builtins/features.h... ). You can look at $BOOST/boostcpp.jam for an example. I suppose that I could add a default tag, but I'll have to think about it.
I'll tackle this later then. First I'll create the other jam files.
I'll now will try to recreate a jam file for jpeg, png, and tiff based on what you created with zlib.jam. Do you foresee any complications?
You'll need tests. I've just committed some
basic tests for zlib.
I found zlib.py and I suppose those are the tests you mentioned above. How do you run those tests?