wt., 19 mar 2019 o 21:10 Robert Ramey via Boost
On 3/19/19 8:49 AM, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost wrote:
I wonder what others in this group think? Maybe we could come up with some guidelines for documentation writers.
Regards, &rzej;
FWIW - my personal rule is to never use auto.
The type conveys information. I think hiding information is a bad idea in general. (note before anyone complains: hiding information is not the same as abstracting and interface).
auto is hack to permit one to work around some unfortunate situation which might occur while engaged in Template MetaProgramming. I haven't kept track, but I've found it necessary in probably less than 10 cases over the years.
(Almost) Never use auto!)
I subscribe to rule "almost never auto"; but by this I mean "do not use type inference when you can spell out your type explicitly".
I never suspected that the feature known as "trailing return type", like ``` auto Class::fun() -> value_type; ``` would be questioned as unfit for tutorials. I am quite surprised that in Stephan's environment "auto" is banned regardless if it is used for type inference or for trailing return types. Regards, &rzej;