On 08/07/17 01:04, Tom Westerhout via Boost wrote:
On 06/08/2017, Marshall Clow via Boost
wrote: As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
Sure. I've tried building on Linux 3.16 with GCC-7.1.0 and Clang-trunk:
* Clang-trunk (-std=c++1z -stdlib=libc++)
2) Boost.Wave failed due to errors in Spirit. There's no auto_ptr in std:: anymore.
The current Boost.Spirit master doesn't use std::auto_ptr. It was removed in e361754faf62b8b513cfc5b39f3153be92342454 more than a year ago from develop. I think, Joel merged it to master today, so the release needs to update too. The current Boost.Wave master still uses std::auto_ptr in samples (which I think is code examples). It was fixed in develop[1] but not have been merged to master. [1]: https://github.com/boostorg/wave/pull/11