-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Vladimir Prus Sent: 08 December 2014 17:35 To: boost@lists.boost.org Subject: Re: [boost] Do we need BoostBook?
On 12/08/2014 06:11 PM, Paul A. Bristow wrote:
I read the mailing list on a phone on a train and it is common to end up on a Boost doc
page from the ML. If improvements are being made I would very much welcome enhanced support for tiny devices. I'm all in favour of making Boost docs work better on mobile computing devices - just as long as it isn't a pessimisation for desktop use.
Okay, here's a pull request: https://github.com/boostorg/boostbook/pull/7 And as before, the live preview:
This looks fairly well on a Nexus 7 - which is probably the smallest one can reasonably assume to look at technical documentation. Some code examples overflow, which possibly can be fixed by reducing margins a bit more, but generally it's fine.
Works me on smaller budget Moto G - though I wouldn't want to read too much. Need to scroll right on the lines of code example lines of course. FWIW Paul --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830