-----Original Message----- From: Boost [mailto:boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Peter Dimov via Boost Sent: 09 July 2018 11:42 To: boost-devel Cc: Peter Dimov Subject: [boost] toolset=clang-win uses clang-linux-win?
When I try `b2 toolset=clang-win` on Appveyor, I get `clang-linux-win` instead, that is, `-win` is interpreted as version for some reason, not as platform:
Is this normal, or is it a bug in the clang toolset? Is there a magic command line incantation that would let me select clang-win?
FWIW, my failed attempts to use b2 to generate Boost libraries, in the 'standard' way, announce: clang-linux.compile.c++.without-pth bin.v2\libs\chrono\build\clang-linux-6.0.0\release\threading-multi\chrono.obj clang version 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final) Is the "clang-linux" significant? Paul PS user-config.jam is using clang : # Version. 6.0.0 : # Location of Clang compiler .exe file(s). "C:/LLVM/clang-600/LLVM/bin/clang++.exe" : # Options. <compileflags>-v <compileflags>-m64 <compileflags>-fmsc-version=1900 <compileflags>--target=i686-pc-windows-msvc <define>_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE <define>_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS <define>BOOST_CONFIG_SUPPRESS_OUTDATED_MESSAGE <cxxflags>-std=c++17 #https://clang.llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/clang.html#cmdoption-s # options are -flto, -flto=full, -flto=thin, -emit-llvm # Generate output files in LLVM formats, suitable for link time optimization. # The default for -flto is "full", in which the LLVM bitcode is suitable for monolithic Link Time Optimization (LTO), # where the linker merges all such modules into a single combined module for optimization. With "thin", # ThinLTO compilation is invoked instead. <cxxflags>-flto=full <cxxflags>-Wno-deprecated <cxxflags>-Wno-deprecated-declarations # <cxxflags>-fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 # <cxxflags>-Wno-invalid-token-paste <cxxflags>-Wno-language-extension-token <cxxflags>-Wno-microsoft-enum-value <cxxflags>-Wno-literal-range <cxxflags>-Wno-unknown-pragmas <cxxflags>-Wno-unused-variable <cxxflags>-Wno-microsoft-enum-value <cxxflags>-Wno-invalid-constexpr # Need to stop reporting an error in Boost.System (needs fixing). <linkflags>--verbose <linkflags>-fuse-ld=lld # Essential to use lld. <linkflags>-flto=full # -flto=thin fails using Codeblocks "error: Expected a single module" But not later???? <linkflags>-m64 <linkflags>--target=i686-pc-windows-msvc <linkflags>-lmsvcrt # -lmsvcrt Needed to avoid unresolved external symbol __imp____RTDynamicCast # but also then need <toolset>clang:<define>NODEFAULTLIB=libcmt.lib # Avoid warning. ; --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830