AMDG On 03/08/2014 09:24 AM, Hui Li wrote:
Testing the water, see if anyone might find this useful. Any comments/suggestions are absolutely welcome and appreciated!
The behavior of this seems a bit odd to me. If I needed something like this, I think I would prefer to create a normal tuple or fusion::set in conjunction some form of set_union algorithm.
, where types in may themselves be other unqiue_tupe<...>'s, contains exactly one copy of each of the "finally nested" element types in , regardless of how many times a type appears in the type parameter pack, or how deeply it is nested inside one or more unique_tuple's in . unique_tuple
differs from std::tuple and boost::fusion::set etc in that nested unique_tuple's are effectively "flattened", and elements contained are unique no matter how complex the nesting gets, or how many times or how deeply nested the element type is in .
In Christ, Steven Watanabe