2013/4/10 Артём Серов
Hello! <...> A few facts: - the 3rd year student of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Russia. - ~1 year exprerience of C/C++ industrial programming in Intel as intern. - no experience in open souce project contribution.
Hi, neighbor! Welcome on board, I hope you'll like it!
B-trees: The topic "B-trees" is located in the additional list of ideas for GSoC, so there is no concrete information except the title. Could someone (maybe who have put this in the ideas list) will tell anything: maybe requirements, any thoughts, why is it mentioned in GSoC ideas list, why isn't this idea in a main list or any information like in projects in the main ideas list, please?
First of all, read this thread, it has a lot of information about b-tree: http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2012/12/199511.php It also contains some documentation about b-trees.
What would you advise me: to apply for the concrete project from the main list or to develop the project from additional list? What is preferable for the community?
No big difference, both projects are very interesting. However some organization is already doing some work on B-trees. You shall ask them, may be they need some help (or do not need help at all, in that case ODE is more preferable).
Could you give a kind of very brief estimation and comparisson of difficulty of both projects?
B-trees are partially written, require some knowledge of OS specific things. All I know about ODE - it requires a good knowledge of math (you shall have no problems with that :-) ). -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin