El 03/03/2019 a las 11:42, John Maddock via Boost escribió:
On 03/03/2019 10:17, Joaquin M López Muñoz via Boost wrote:
El 02/03/2019 a las 11:34, Joaquin M López Muñoz escribió:
El 01/03/2019 a las 9:33, Joaquin M López Muñoz escribió:
I'm asking permission to merge the following fairly trivial changes to master:
Travis and AppVeyor tests are passing. [...]
Ping! Thank you,
Allow me to keep insisting. Any review manager out there?
Apparently not. But so far as I know bug fixes and non-breaking changes are still permitted so you should be fine to merge until there's an announcement otherwise...
I've just gone ahead and merged, but the release status description doesn't looks conclusive to me: /Release closed for major code changes. Still open for serious problem fixes and docs changes without release manager review./ So I can fix *serious* bugs without permission, but nothing is said of *non-serious* problems. Joaquín M López Muñoz