On 11/6/18 9:35 PM, Cromwell Enage via Boost wrote:
Thanks for your feedback, everyone!
To answer Glen Fernandes's question, I am not the official maintainer, just a contributor who is willing to help improve a Boost library.
I've submitted a separate pull request that includes the C++03 workarounds. I did this in case our official stance for 1.70 is to keep C++03 support, and also in an effort to ensure that the downstream libraries, a few of which I also use, won't break (or at least won't have their tests broken). Regarding Paul Bristow's input, it hasn't been a load of trouble, but it was bad enough. I'll leave it up to the official maintainer(s) to decide which PR to approve. That being said, should the new PR be the chosen one, any new features I plan to add from that point on will not include explicit C++03 workarounds.
Thank you Cromwell.