Hello, Regarding the page Conceptual Requirements for Real Number Types https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/libs/math/doc/html/math_toolkit/real_c... Is it still accurate to list these 2 rows under Standard Library Support Requirements? - iround(cr1) | int - itrunc(cr1) | int The motivation in asking this is two-fold: 1. I don't see either of these functions listed in the Standard Library. Perhaps this is just old documentation, or I am not looking in the right place. Instead, I do find lround() and truncl(). 2. One of the design goals of Boost.Autodiff (WIP) is to satisfy all of the requirements on this page, and these are the only two which I am unable to satisfy for the above reason. If someone were to update this page, or otherwise advise on how to reconcile, it would be appreciated so that the Boost.Autodiff https://github.com/pulver/autodiff library could accurately claim to satisfy 100% of Boost's Real Number Type requirements. Best regards, Matt