On 21/01/2014 07:56 p.m., Eric Niebler wrote:
I'm not sure who gets notified of pull requests, if anybody. Sending mail for good measure.
I've tried to regenerate preprocessed headers, but I get the following error: error: Unable to find file or target named error: '/boost/libs/wave/tool//wave' error: referred to from project at error: '.' error: could not resolve project reference '/boost/libs/wave/tool' From looking at the jam file, I'm not entirely sure how is it supposed to find Wave. When I build wave, for some reason it ends up at "/libs/dist/bin/wave.exe". It seems I'm missing something obvious, but I know nothing about jam files. Which steps do I need to take to regenerate the preprocessed headers? Regards, -- Agustín K-ballo Bergé.- http://talesofcpp.fusionfenix.com