Hi, I discovered a severe bug in Boost.Serialization and am trying to contribute a test to the test suite to reproduce that behavior. I have a minimum example which runs into this (see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50064617/order-of-destruction-for-static...) but I'm having trouble getting that into the Jamfile. What I need: 2 shared libraries linked against the currently tested Boost link-variant and link those into an executable not linked against Boost. So testcase a) would be against Boost-Shared and b) against Boost-Static. But in all cases the libraries itself must be shared. What I have: lib multi_shared_1 : multi_shared1.cpp ../build//boost_serialization : <link>shared ; lib multi_shared_2 : multi_shared2.cpp ../build//boost_serialization : <link>shared ; ... [ test-bsl-run test_multi_shared_lib : : multi_shared_1 multi_shared_2 ] Problem: This links against Boost-Shared even with "./b2 link=static" My best approach so far is to change "../build//boost_serialization" to "../build//boost_serialization/<link>static" but then I cannot test testcase a) (Boost-Shared) anymore. Also it does link other Boost-Libraries (filesystem, system) shared, not static. Furthermore I'd need to add `-fPIC` to the cxxflags of the boost libraries. This is minor as it can be done in the `.travis` file but I'd rather have it in the Jamfile so it is not missed in other test-environments. How can I achieve this? I'm not to familiar with the Jamfiles so this is basically all I could find so far. Thanks, Alexander Grund