Hello guys, As of having interested in Participating this year's Google Summer of Code Program. I am interested in developing Library which allow integration with spreadsheet application. Situation: As there is need for an API which understands all currently available formats of office applications running in different platforms. So API has to be aware of all formats available to all the platforms. There will be support for interconversion between these document formats.As well as classes and functions supporting to these operations.Conversion to portable formats like PDF. Proposed Solution: Separate components withing the library would be needed for Word processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation application.And also conversion code for each of these components with respect to different formats. Steps Involved: 1. Design all necessary components needed for the proposed solution. 2. Keeping informed to the mentor for the proposed design. 3. Implement using C/C++ as a language for the integration with the existing boost library. 4. Testing the Implemented model. 5. Getting the implemented code approved with the mentor. 6. Proceeding with the full implementation of the API. Benefits: 1. Help existing boost library users to take advantage of the creation, modification,conversion features for office documents. 2. No need for the users to look for another API for getting support for manipulation with office documents. As there is no existing work going on relating to this API.I am aware that all the libraries and components must be developed from scratch. I will move foreword with my above specified proposal for the project. If there is any more details to be included in the API i would like to informed for the additional details needed for this project to be fully integrated with all necessary components. If my proposal is effective then i would like to be appreciated that i am good to go for proposed layout with google summer of code program. Thanks, Pritesh Vikram