Just wanted to apologize for all the headache/additional work I've caused
for the Boost Steering Committee and for all the confusion I caused to the
users because of using the boost name.
It never was my intention to do so and I'm sorry for screwing it up.
After talking with Glen Fernandes we have found a path forward and I
already started working on it to fix as much damage as possible
- The boost logo has been removed from https://github.com/boost-ext
- All advertisements/talks won't include boost name
- Additionally, all libraries already have ext namespace and disclaimer
that they aren't part of Boost libraries
- External packages will not include boost as well (existing packages will
be either removed or changed)
- di - https://conan.io/center/di - seems good
- ut - https://conan.io/center/boost-ext-ut - (to be changed)
- sml - https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index/pull/4591 (in
progress, added a comment to ensure it will be called sml without boost)
- di - https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/boost-di (to be
- ut - not added
- sml - not added
My apologies again and please let me know what else I can do and/or see any
other resource which has to be changed.
Thank you, Kris
On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:57 PM Krzysztof Jusiak
I just wanted to share, potentially useful for the Boost and C++ community, libraries and ask if anyone would be willing to become a Review Manager for any of them?
[boost-ext] (https://github.com/boost-ext) is a collection of C++ libraries with aspirations to be included in Boost. Libraries can be characterized by: * Modern C++ (>= C++14) * Header/Single Module only * No dependencies
ATM, [boost::ext] consists of four core libraries:
* DI - Dependency Injection Library overview: standard: C++14 single header with no dependencies (neither STL nor Boost is required) release: 1.2.0 (first release - 2014) key features: - supports macro-free constructor injection - supports templates injection - quick compilation-times - highly optimized code generation try it online: https://godbolt.org/z/5qTKhf source code: https://github.com/boost-ext/di documentation: https://boost-ext.github.io/di/
* SML - State Machine Library overview: standard: C++14 single header with no dependencies (neither STL nor Boost is required) release: 1.1.4 (first release - 2016) key features: - much faster compilation-times than Boost.MSM (up to 60x faster) - highly optimized and customizable code generation - suitable for embedded systems try it online: https://godbolt.org/z/y99L50 source code: https://github.com/boost-ext/sml documentation: https://boost-ext.github.io/sml/
* UT - Unit Testing Framework overview: standard: C++20 single header with no dependencies (STL required) release: 1.1.8 (first release - 2019) key features: - macro-free - minimal boilerplate - fast compilation-times and execution try it online: https://godbolt.org/z/Jqb5Ye source code: https://github.com/boost-ext/ut documentation: https://boost-ext.github.io/ut
* TE - Run-time polymorphism (type erasure) library overview: standard: C++17 single header with no dependencies (STL required) release: - key features: - simple interface - highly optimized code generation try it online: https://godbolt.org/z/xY9MEq source code: https://github.com/boost-ext/te documentation: https://github.com/boost-ext/te
All libraries (except TE) were successfully deployed in the production systems. Some, such as DI and SML are used by well known/big IT companies as well.
If anyone is interested in becoming a Review Manager for any of the libraries, I'd really appreciate it and I'll more than happy to address any issues/requests before the review as well as help with any process-related tasks.
Thank you very much, -Kris