El 24/05/2020 a las 16:15, Peter Dimov via Boost escribió:
Joaquin M López Muñoz wrote:
Boost.Regex is admittedly a controversial point (as mentionedin the proposal) due to its superior quality to some std implementations.
There's nothing controversial about it.
I meant controversial as for epoch asignment within this proposal.
As of 2020, it should always be preferred over std::regex.
I shouldn't comment on opinions outside the scope of the proposal lest we wander off, but obviously not everybody agrees always with this assessment, not even within Boost: https://github.com/boostorg/fiber/blob/df4a190f5b92ba86395cf58b1040ed295caf9... https://github.com/boostorg/hana/blob/07b42492765f7384e053c4761f4d0eda32b758... That said, I'm with you Boost.Regex is a superb library. Joaquín M López Muñoz