I'm writing new numeric types, and my unit tests use MPL lists of numeric types. I usually use stuff like int, unsigned, and double, but now I'm adding cpp_int and cpp_dec_float_50. Those types were OK when I was just doing type equalities and sizeof checks. Now I'm doing tests that use objects of those types and I'm getting problems.
typedef boost::mpl::list test_integer_types;
typedef boost::mpl::list test_floating_types;
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( test_complex_component_access1, T,
test_integer_types )
typedef complex_it real_type;
typedef complex_it complex_type;
real_type a;
real_type const & aa = a;
complex_type b;
complex_type const & bb = b;
a[ 0 ] = 6;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( a[0], T(6) );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( T(6), aa[0] );
b[ 0 ] = 5;
b[ 1 ] = 7;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( b[0], T(5) );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( T(5), bb[0] );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( b[1], T(7) );
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( T(7), bb[1] );
I'm getting warnings about integer overflow. The problem is at Line 59 of boost/test/tools/detail/print_helper.hpp. It sets an output stream's precision based on the digits given by std::numeric_limits.
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( test_complex_component_access2, T,
test_floating_types )
typedef complex_it real_type;
typedef complex_it complex_type;
real_type a;
real_type const & aa = a;
complex_type b;
complex_type const & bb = b;
a[ 0 ] = 6.0;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( a[0], T(6.0), 0.1 );
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( T(6.0), aa[0], 0.1 );
b[ 0 ] = 5.5;
b[ 1 ] = -7.0;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( b[0], T(5.5), 0.1 );
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( T(5.5), bb[0], 0.1 );
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( b[1], T(-7.0), 0.1 );
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( T(-7.0), bb[1], 0.1 );
This time it's an error, at Line 59 of boost/test/tools/floating_point_comparison.hpp. There no (close enough) matching function for "fpt_abs" from some "boost::multiprecision::detail::expression<..." type. (It was truncated by the display. I don't know how to get a clean print-out of errors from Code::Blocks.) I'm guessing the expression template setup is screwing things up.
Daryle W.