Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013 um 23:24 Uhr Von: "Daniel James"
An: boost@lists.boost.org Betreff: Re: [boost] Announcing boost dependency analyzer On Tue, 23 Jul 2013, at 12:08 PM, Jens Weller wrote:
What libraries might be missing? I'm reading the libs from maintainers.txt, which isn't all the boost libs. For example, lexical_cast is missing, and function_types is twice in there. (C&P error or missing library?)
Looking at the file's history it was inserted in the wrong place the first time, and then was later added in the right place, apparently not noticing the existing entry.
Sometimes the idea of what is a library, or part of a library, is quite fluid. Lexical cast is often seen as part of 'conversion', similarly 'math' is sometimes considered a collection of libraries itself. You might have better luck considering the new modules, as some will contain multiple libraries, and at least one will contain none, but still be a dependency.
Well, as I'm based on boost bcp, I'm kind of viewing boost through its eyes. I've done some research in the bcp code to find out, how its reading, but couldn't find a single source for library name mappings. Looking for an easily readable source, maintainers.txt is a good source distributed.
'maintainers.txt' was never intended to be a list of libraries, but a list of who's responsible for various parts of boost. A better list of libraries is possibly the one used for the website:
To get the list for a specific version you need to filter based on 'boost-version', and the optional 'boost-min-version' and 'boost-max-version' tags. After modularization the idea is to store this data within the modules, although the complete details will have to be stored somewhere, so it might be possible to keep that file up.
See, thats the problem for my tool currently, its based on the directory you select. Is libraries.xml part of the distribution? I could not find it under %boost_root%/doc. kind regards, Jens Weller