You lost me.. where did I say that was not OK for me? If WU takes care of that, I shouldn't need vcredist right? Sorry, I must have confused you with someone else earlier in this thread. The message as it shows up over here looks like it comes from "the boost mailing list", not from any individual person.
From my investigations it seems like the redist is able to install KB2999226 but only if KB2919442 and KB2919355 are already installed. Hmm... I looked at the internal copy of that bug and it says resolved as "fixed", but I don't see any changes that actually fix it. :/ If you see it continuing to happen with the Preview 5 redist, please let us know. My understanding is that things are intended to work on each of our supported target platforms if the target machine at least has the current service pack installed. (For example, Windows XP SP2 is not supported, only SP3)
From: Boost
From my investigations it seems like the redist is able to install KB2999226 but only if KB2919442 and KB2919355 are already installed.
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