В письме от вторник, 19 октября 2021 г. 08:42:15 MSK пользователь Julien Blanc via Boost написал:
I'm sorry but i'm gonna raise that suggestion. While I agree it does not solve the general use case, it looks to me like an acceptable solution for boost.json. IIRC boost.json is advertised as a nearly header-only library, where you have to include an hpp file once in your project. So ABI mismatch should not hold there (by the way, i just checked that it is the way it is packaged on my debian stable, no binary for json is included). Boost.JSON is not advertised as a nearly header-only library. It's advertised as a library that supports header-only use. By default it is still compiled as normal. I've checked Debian Sid package search and I can see that it uses Boost 1.74. JSON only appeared in 1.75, so that's why there's no binary on your machine.
Looking at where the winds are blowing in this discussion, we'll have to indeed add a string_view implementation to Json. Problems with other approaches were already presented by Peter, so I won't repeat them. So, there will be (at least one) new string_view in Boost, just not in Core.