7 Aug
7 Aug
10:19 p.m.
On 08/07/2013 02:52 PM, Agustín K-ballo Bergé wrote:
I'm thinking there should be a parse_fail customization point as well, or otherwise a way to react when parsing fails. It would help to know what your specific use case for this extensions is. Regards,
My use case is that I convert a .csv file to an Excel file and need to set the cell number format to that found in the .csv file, namely, FIXED, SCIENTIFIC, or GENERAL. There is a FormatNumber class that contains a number with formatting meta data. The contents of the meta data depend upon what part of the number parsing succeeds or fails. I.e., if there is an 'e' or 'E', then it's SCIENTIFIC. If there is a '.', then it may be in fixed format, etc.